Hi Magpie, thanks for a thorough and realistic explanation of your footwear, electronics, health and repair items. I appreciate the why as much or more than the what. Clearly your experiences have taught you well.

Can you if possible discuss your emergency gear; specifically if you and/or Constantine are using a Garmin or similar and if so, charging setups? How often are you going to check in with family? This risk averse grandma is curious. Thanks!

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Hi Lenore,

We're using the Garmin InReach to track our route and as a backup communication device :) it just charges off our regular battery bricks, but it's quite efficient and only needs to be charged every three days even when using it for tracking. I talk with my parents when we get to town and let them know generally when to expect me to check in again but they don't get worried unless I'm more than a day late.

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❤️Grandma B.

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