Oct 12: trail becomes old two track as the sun slants towards evening. Pretty sunlight over long marsh grass below. It's the last long section of the NCT and I'm ready to not carry a heavy pack for a while. Idk, it's another day in the Chippewa NF - forest forest forest. At least it's not overcast as it's been for the past 3 days. Podcasts all day. Figured out that we have probably 21 days to go, so finishing November 2nd. Nice to have that date and a firm mileage countdown, finally. 650 miles left, I'm ready to go home. Maps inaccurate last couple miles
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NCT Diary: Oct 12-18
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Oct 12: trail becomes old two track as the sun slants towards evening. Pretty sunlight over long marsh grass below. It's the last long section of the NCT and I'm ready to not carry a heavy pack for a while. Idk, it's another day in the Chippewa NF - forest forest forest. At least it's not overcast as it's been for the past 3 days. Podcasts all day. Figured out that we have probably 21 days to go, so finishing November 2nd. Nice to have that date and a firm mileage countdown, finally. 650 miles left, I'm ready to go home. Maps inaccurate last couple miles