Hey folks,
Just a few quick things - if you’ve visited the SO homepage recently, you might have noticed the new layout! Substack, the website that hosts this newsletter, rolled out a new feature that allows me to highlight particular pieces, as well as the ability to add multiple bylines. You might notice that the author and photo have changed on some of the posts - I’ve split them into two categories, on-trail updates and off-trail ones, authored by Magpie and Dana respectively. This should allow you to browse the archives of each type of post independently - if you just want to re-visit my on-trail adventures (admittedly, the more compelling portion of the blog), click on the byline for Magpie and you’ll see a complete list of all my writing from the trail. If you’d rather catch up with what I’m up to right now, the most recent post will appear below the featured article, and you can look back on the entire off-trail archive under the byline Dana.
As I’m in the process of retroactively organizing the archive, it’s possible you may get a repeat email or two of older posts - it’s pretty easy to accidentally hit re-send, and I’m cleaning up typos and adding images to the homepage while I’m at it. Don’t worry about it if you receive an incongruous post, you haven’t missed anything.
I’ve also formally discontinued the Sunday round-up posts. As my work schedule has picked up and my life grows gradually less exciting, I just don’t have enough to say to merit two posts a week. Your regular free update will continue to go out on Thursday or thereabouts. I’ll have to think of a different reward for my paying subscribers - if you have a suggestion, leave a comment.
Well, that’s all from me for now. As always, talk soon